Wednesday, January 11, 2006

All you need to know about Ambassador L. Paul "Jerry" Bremer III's book "My Year in Iraq"

In case you don't know, "Jerry" Bremer* was the incompetent ass put in charge of Iraq for the first year of the occupation. He was responsible for such winning strategies as disbanding the Iraqi army, sending the marines into Fallujah to destroy the entire city, trying to arrest popular radical shiite cleric** Muqtada Al-Sadr, not to mention somehow losing nine BILLION dollars in reconstruction funds. Anyway, this idiot has written a book trying to divest himself of responisiblity for the Iraqi clusterfuck, like every other douchebag in the Bush administration. I haven't read the book, and don't intend to, but I still know enough about it to impart to you the exact value of said book. The index has all the answers.

Not in the index:


In the index:

Hitler, Adolph, Saddam compared to

* full disclosure: I don't trust anyone with a nickname.

**Band Name.


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