Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Joel Stein: Fuck the Troops!,0,1803125.column?track=hpmostemailedlink

Finally! Somebody makes the obvious and similtaneously unspeakable point that, if you think that innocent civilians are being massacred in Iraq, as they have for the past three years, it means that somebody, namely the troops, has been massacring them. All those families shot to pieces at checkpoints were killed because there were people willing to invade a foreign country and shoulder rifles at those checkpoints. I really don't know how much moral responsibility "the troops" hold for what is happening in Iraq, but I do now that the current situation: in which the actual perpetrators of the war are completely off-limits from consideration as moral agents, is morally untenable. And watch as Joel Stein is destroyed by pundits of the left and the right, in order to maintain that ridiculous taboo.


Blogger chuibreg said...

Come on man, I'm sitting here mashing F5 like a roided up gorilla waiting to read a refreshing rant about Alito's confirmation.

12:38 PM  

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