Sunday, November 06, 2005

I'm so full of shit I've started weeping tears made of corn nibblets.

So the entire country of France is descending into anarchy, for those of you who haven't been keeping up on the news. Apparently, disenfranchised African and Arab immigrants from the depressed suburbs of Paris (yes, in France, they keep the dark folks in the suburbs and the inner city is reserved for's BIZZARRO WORLD...with a dizzying cheese selection) have been burning down buildings, torching cars, shooting at police, and setting fire to bus passengers for ten days now and the riots have spread to areas of significant immigrant population across the country. Ten cops just got shot today, in fact.

Now, what does this have to do with my being full of horse-pucky? Regular readers of ye olde bogge (all two of you...hi, John!), know that I like to talk a good game (or is it "type a good game?") about how the end of the world would be sweet. But I know, down to the bottom of my tiny black heart, that if I were in Paris this week, I would have spent the entire time hiding in my apartment with the door bolted, peeing in the sink and eating my dandruff for nourishment.

Ah, I suck.


Blogger matthew christman said...


7:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um yes.

Am wondering if in your suckiness you've managed to see Jarhead. AM curious what you think.

Now, back to sucking.

11:29 AM  
Blogger matthew christman said...

Haven't seen Jarhead. The mixed reviews have turned me off. I'll probably rent it. Fuck, movie tickets are ten bucks out here (8 bucks for a matinee!)

From what I can gather, though, it looks kind of lame. If anyone has another opinion, please let me know if it's worth seeing.

4:01 PM  

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