Thursday, December 01, 2005

Being Dumb For Dummies.

I've always hated the "....For Dummies" series of books: it seems that millions of people have no problem admitting that they're idiots with a single book purchase.

But since I've been working at a bookstore, I've gotten to see a whole bunch of these books, and some of their titles seem a bit redundant. I think you've already admitted that you're an idiot by buying a book on some of these subjects: the "For Dummies" doesn't seem necessary.

For example:

Astrology for Dummies

NASCAR for Dummies

Thinking that the President's Iraq War speech is anything more than Pie in the Sky bullshit designed to trick people into thinking these assholes have a fucking clue about what they're doing...for Dummies.

That last one is pretty new.


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