Saturday, November 19, 2005

Once Again, A Booze-Addled Half-wit Shows Us the Way.

Ye Olde Internets are ablaze with yet another question that can be easily me. Seems people are fussing over the question: did the Bush administration LIE about Iraqi WMD? Most people will grant you that they gave out bad intelligence, but some argue that they didn't konw it was bad! The international community thought the intel was good! The Senate Democrats had the same intel! It was an honest mistake.

No. They lied.

And I can prove it...with lazers.

Let's start off with a fact, then an analogy. Fact: The Bush tools are yelling that congressional Democrats who voted to give Bush war authority re. Iraq received "the same intelligence" as the White House: that's bullshit. Think about it: intelligence agencies brief the president EVERY DAY. Some of that intel trickles down to congress, but the White House gets all the raw data. The WMD "evidence" that Bush let congress see was phrased in unambigious terms: Iraq has aluminum tubes that are used in uranium enrichment. Iraq has such and such amount of chemical and biological weaponry. Iraq is searching for uranium around the world. When the White House got that intelligence from the CIA and other agencies, it was riddled with caveats: Iraq has aluminum tubes....some of our analysts think they could be used to enrich uranium, but the majority think that they are rocketry tubes that couldn't possibly be used for that purpose. Iraq is trying to reconstitute it's nuclear program and is seeking uranium...or so says a defector provided to the CIA by Achmed Chaladi's Iraqi National Congress, whose honesty has been questioned by intelligence agencies around the world. And so on, and so on. The White House sanded off all of the untidy questions and dissentions and credibility issues, then presented Congress with polished jewels of pure, unadulterated, compressed bullshit.

Is that lying?

You tell me.

Here's the analogy: a man is selling a used car. He has had the car inspected by a mechanic before putting it on the market. The mechanic tells him that the axles on the car have about a 50-50 chance of snapping in half sometime in the near future: it wasn't critical, but there was suspicious metal fatigue that suggested collapse. Some dope comes to this guy's house, test drives the car, and, as he's getting ready to purchase it, asks "so, is there anything wrong with this vehicle that I should no about?" The man answers: "Nope. Just got 'er checked up with a mechanic, said everything's fine." Now, you could well argue that the purchaser would be a goddamn moron for taking this asshole's word for it and not checking himself, and you'd be right (are you reading this, Kerry, you loser?) But you could not argue that the seller was a lying piece of shit.

There we go.

On to the next electrical robot conflict...


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