Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Words and Phrases that have made me laugh recently.

"I'm Horror Claus!"

"Gibbet"--as in, "to gibbet" a corpse; the Medeval European punishment in which an executed criminal's body was covered in tar, placed in a metal cage, and suspended above the city square as a warning to others (think Robin's dad in Prince of Thieves)

"Hornswaggled"-- this word needs to get back into heavy rotation in the English language, like, yesterday. Let's make it our mission in life.


"Git-R-Done"--funny because it's true: tasks should, indeed, be accomplished.

"Hobo Matters"--as opposed to Matters Literary.

and, most recently...

"Osama's Homobortion Pot'nCommie Jizzporium"--I'm applying for work there as an apprentice uterus scraper/Darwin impersonator.


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